Victorino Concepción
Chairman and CEO

Mr. Concepción has served as Director, Chairman and CEO of Donsoco Holdings since April 2009. Having over four decades of outstanding and progressive executive experience in all phases of diverse business operations,including corporate leadership and management of international businesses, Mr. Concepción successfully leads effective decision-making management teams developing the holdings approved energy, water, and food ecosystems projects plus their respective undertakings and financing.

Mr. Concepción attended Golden Gate University Graduate School of Management and earned his MBA in Management in 1983 and BBA in Business Administration from McKendree University in 1981.

Mr. Concepción is a decorated Army Veteran with valuable experience and specialized training received from public-government and private institutions: U.S. Army Information Technology and Resource Management School, received Programmer Analyst certification in 1981; U.S. Army Quarter Master School, received Material and Supply Accounting Specialist certification in 1977; Hess Oil School of Chemical Engineering and Refining Technology, received Refinery Operator certification in 1974; and USVI Department of Education Accounting and Business Management School, received Accounting and Administrative Office Occupation certification in 1974.

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